Saturday, September 10, 2016

Just One Foot in Front of the Other

Today I ran my first race ever. Ran...jogged...walked, whatever. I entered my first race ever. It was 5km, and I ran perhaps 3 of those kilometers. Which for me, was a giant feat.

I hate cardio. And as most people do, I also avoid things I hate. So I didn't train myself for the race until four days ago. I practiced running just 1km, and nearly died for five hours after. I tried pacing myself and did better the second time. However, when I approached the event today, I tried to talk myself out of it. "I can just walk the whole thing".

I made an executive decision to not do what I've always done in the past. I forced myself to do something I hated. So I started the race running. I took breaks and walked. I slowed my pace to a light jog. But I crossed the finish line 10th out of 83 runners. All because I just put one foot in front of the other.

Sometimes we need to do things we hate. Sometimes we need to just go forward and stop thinking about taking the easier path. Sometimes those decisions lead to greater things.

Since joining The Greater Edmonton Animal Rescue Society, I have had the opportunity to see time and time again, the effects of being part of something bigger. Something that seems impossible. Something that when you look at the big task in front of you, you end up wanting to take the easier route. But in reality, putting one foot in front of the other gets you to where you need to go. Slowly but surely, you see the effects of your work, and the bigger picture comes together.

And you know what? 10th place isn't so bad.

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