Saturday, July 2, 2016

Gratitudes 2.0

Lately, I've been feeling a little monotonous. Boring. Restless. 

The wedding is over. For a ten months, I had The Biggest Day of My Life to plan. I looked forward to summer. While I continue to bask in the light of this season and the newlywed bliss, change in my dreamy world is afoot. I go back to University in three days. I love learning, and I actually enjoy school, but the daunting Adult Responsibility and Routine are creeping up on me. That means going back to meal-planning and prepping, and having long days fueled by Starbucks. No more naps, or sleeping in. Also, I haven't done a full body work out in almost a year, and I'm finally starting to feel like the lazy piece of lard I am. That feeling should have set in sooner, but honestly, when I was so busy mentally, I didn't feel as terrible physically. I forced myself to sign up for a fitness class today in hopes I can get a routine going.

Today calls for some gratitude to push the "blah" out of my brain.

Today I am grateful for:

1. Eggs

Eggs are the easy protein I need when I want a well-balanced meal. Tonight, I made Korean rice bowls with vinegar-y veggies and a fried gooey egg on top, and it comforted every part of my insides.

2. Artistic Outlets

I love to paint. So much that I don't have room for my paintings anywhere in my house. Many of them are amateur, and not really worth an art show, but I like it. Today, I included my dogs in the art and made flowers.

3. Solo time with Mom

I don't get a lot of visits with just me and my mom. I find it really difficult to have a good conversation at family dinners. In fact, if it were up to me, I'd only do coffee visits with anyone in my family. My mom paid me a visit today and it was a great interaction without all the background noise and
interruptions that usually come with my family.

It's important to be grateful when you feel inevitable forces dragging you down.

Gratefully Yours,

Jillanne Fay

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