Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Type-A Bride

It's officially May 1, 2016. This means I have exactly 27 days to finalize my wedding plans. Which really means 20 days, because I refuse to leave anything to the last minute. I am doing my best to not freak out and scare my future husband away.

I've actually done a pretty good job with my wedding plans this far. I'm really organized, despite what my house cleaning says about me. When I get an idea, I run with it, so I think I've been in full wedding mode since I got engaged August 10, 2015. I know I can do this. Hell, I have a girlfriend who planned her wedding in four days and everything was seamless. I've got a lot of things going for me, right now. The main components - family, friends, food, booze, music, and a beautiful wedding dress - are all in place. But there's still that Type-A personality that creeps in going "you need to get this done now!"

There are three problems with being Type-A that can make planning a wedding difficult:

You Want to Do Everything Yourself

It's not that I don't trust others, it's just that I can do it better. 

No, really. I have a terrible time communicating my ideas, or I feel like everything is just easier if I take on the work myself to make sure it gets done the way I want it done. I have accepted this as a life-long trait that I will never avoid, and I'm going to embrace that one day, it will benefit me and I will find a way to reduce my own stress levels.

You Hate Waiting on Others

I know there are some things I really can't do on my own as much as I want to, because I either don't know how, or am not an octopus. 

I'm basically an eighty year old woman when it comes to technology, so that's Jon's job. But Jon doesn't see the urgency in testing out a sound system when I say "hey, we should pull your speakers out", meaning "DO IT NOW OR I WILL CUT YOU!"

I need to calm down and just trust that others will do the job I asked of them within the correct time frame. But Jeeze....20 days, you guys!

*Note: Jon has checked out the speakers before the time of making this post*

Nobody's Suggestions are Good

I hate when somebody has a practical idea, and I didn't think of it first. Maybe that's the competitive nature of a Type-A personality. I don't know. Either way, my dad asked last night if we were hosting a cocktail hour (which I totally was planning on doing - NOT - because I won't be there, and I didn't think of what people will do when I'm not there between the ceremony and reception, which are only an hour apart), and I had a full on internal meltdown. There was NO WAY my dad had a good idea for a wedding when he's had his own before, because this is my event!

I finally agreed that it's probably the best thing to do and made arrangements for cocktails, but God, that one really hurt.


So I'm finally trying to learn how to ask for help, but I'm doing it with gritted teeth and piles of anxiety. I'm also learning to be patient, and instead of becoming this raging bitch when things aren't done at the time my super meet-the-deadlines brain is wired to believe something is supposed to be done, I just choose to blog about it. Lastly, I really appreciate other people's ideas and advice, whether I look like it or not. This is my first rodeo and hopefully my last, so obviously, I have no idea what I'm doing. Thank you for putting up with my stubbornness and inability to delegate until crisis mode kicks in.

Soon, a new band will be added to this :)

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