Wednesday, July 17, 2024


 When is it time to leave?

I've pondered this question a lot lately. The past 9 years have been good to me, I've made a good solid career in one place. But things changed when my boss got cancer. I've been trying to tell if it was the cancer that did it, but then, can one person be the make-or-break of an entire organization? Maybe the negativity was always looming, and we just needed instability to unleash it fully.

Today, we celebrated Cam's life after his passing.

Do I owe it to what he built to carry on and try to pick the pieces back up? Is there a chance things will be on the upswing now that we've given ourselves that closure?  How long do you wait before your morale is boosted again?

Cam always wanted me to grow professionally, and I always thought it would be with this workplace. But maybe his encouragement for my growth can move on without the namesake of what he built. 

The real question is

Am I happy? And will I be happier if I make a change?